2021 Black Philanthropy Month


Demystifying Philanthropy:
Moving Toward Black Abundance

In August 2021, Black philanthropic leaders joined together to formally celebrate Black Philanthropy Month in Washington state for the first time. It was the tenth anniversary of the global Black Philanthropy Month, started by Dr. Jackie Bouvier Copeland and the Pan-African Women’s Philanthropy Network in 2011.

We advocated to Governor Jay Inslee to proclaim August as Black Philanthropy Month in Washington state, recognizing the vital contributions of Black giving to shape philanthropy and calling for intentional, significant investment in Black communities. Read the state proclamation.

Seattle’s mayor and city council also issued a proclamation declaring August to be Black Philanthropy Month across the city. Read the Seattle proclamation.

Through a series of panel conversations, we explored the legacy of Black generosity and how we invest in a liberated future by, for, and with Black Washingtonians.

2021 Virtual Panel Series

In August 2021, Black philanthropic leaders explored the legacy of Black generosity and how we invest in a liberated future by, for, and with Black Washingtonians. Check back soon for plans in 2022.

Building on Black Philanthropy Month

Sept. 28, 2021 | 5 to 6 pm

For enduring change, Black Philanthropy Month must extend beyond August and become part of our consciousness and guiding our actions. Join us for a virtual conversation about key lessons and next steps. Let’s continue the momentum together.


Where Is the Money?

Aug. 31, 2021 | 5 to 6:30 pm

In the wake of social justice uprisings, corporations, foundations, and individuals made pledges to address anti-Black racism and improve equity. While some money has made it out the door, many who made commitments have yet to fulfill their promises. Delve into how words without action perpetuate anti-Black racism; what it will take to move beyond words to real change; and how we hold people, foundations, and corporations accountable.


  • C’Ardiss “CC” Gardner Gleser, director of programs and strategic initiatives of Satterberg Foundation 

  • Afi Tengue, vice president of philanthropy and impact of Giving Compass

  • Aisha Al-Amin, donor relations manager of Powerful Voices

  • Victoria Santos, co-founder of BIPOC ED Coalition and co-executive of Young Women Empowered

Moderated by Morgan Dawson, community advocate.


From Institutional Philanthropic Redlining to Black Freedom

Aug. 24, 2021 | 12 to 1:30 pm

Black people have long given time, talent, and treasure to care for our communities. At the same time, white-led philanthropy has for decades systematically under-invested in Black communities. Hear from Black philanthropic leaders who are forging new pathways to self-determination in the face of persistent racism, and explore together how we create a liberated future.


  • Ruby Love, founder of Love Resource Development Group

  • Stephanie Ellis-Smith, co-founder of Give Blck, principal advisor and owner of Phila Engaged Giving, and senior advisor of The Giving Practice

  • Valerie Curtis-Newton, head of directing of UW School of Drama

Moderated by Michelle Merriweather, architect of the Black Future Co-op Fund and president and CEO of the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle.


Black Philanthropy Is Community Care

Aug. 17, 2021 | 12 to 1:30 pm

Black generosity is grounded in a sense of collective responsibility to community. From the Black church that has shaped consistent giving to the ways Black communities rally to support neighbors’ needs, Black philanthropy nourishes community wealth and well-being. Learn from Black leaders about the myriad ways Black giving has bolstered Black communities and influenced the field of philanthropy.


  • Doug Baldwin, former Seahawk and founder of Family First Community Center

  • Frankie Manning, executive board member of Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization

  • Lewis Rudd, co-founder of Ezell’s Famous Chicken

  • Mattie Mooney, co-founder of Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network

Moderated by Andrea Caupain Sanderson, architect of the Black Future Co-op Fund and CEO of Byrd Barr Place.

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Washington Black Philanthropy Month Organizers

Black Future Co-op Fund
ESK Family Fund
Threshold Philanthropy
Philanthropy Northwest
Renton Regional Community Foundation
Seattle Foundation

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